- Sherman Central School District
- Annual Meeting Notice/Budget Vote & Board Election
Sherman Central School District
Notice is hereby given that the Budget Hearing/Annual Meeting of the citizens of the Sherman Central School District qualified to vote at the school meetings in said District, will be held at the Sherman Central School, John Butler Auditorium, in the Village of Sherman, New York, on Monday, May 12, 2025, at 5:30 PM EDT for the transaction of such business as is authorized by Education Law.
Voting will take place on Tuesday, May 20, 2025, in the front lobby of Sherman Central School during the hours of 12:00 Noon to 8:00 PM EDT for the following purposes:
1) To vote upon the adoption of a budget for the operation of the school district for the 2025-26 school year. Copies of the budget will be available at the Office of the District Clerk on or after May 5, 2025.
2) To authorize to undertake the acquisition of the following fleet vehicles: two (2) school buses, at an estimated maximum aggregate cost of $340,892, less trade-in value, if any, and that such costs, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be raised by the levy of a tax to be collected in annual installments; and, in anticipation of such tax, debt obligations of the school district as may be necessary not to exceed $340,892 shall be issued, or the School District may enter into an installment purchase contract if the Board of Education determines that it is in the best interest of the School District to finance the purchase in that method.
3) To elect two (2) At-Large Members to the Board of Education. One seat is a 5-year term of office and the candidate with the highest numbers of votes will serve this term, July 1, 2025, and expire June 30, 2030. One seat is to fill an unexpired term and the second-highest voting candidate will serve the term starting May 21, 2025, and expiring June 30, 2027. Nominations for this office shall be by petition signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the district, and must be filed with the District Clerk not later than 5:00 PM, EDT, Monday, April 21, 2025. Petition forms may be obtained from the Office of the District Clerk.
Absentee and early voter ballot applications are available for qualified district residents and military voters. Please contact the district clerk’s office at (716) 761-6122 or e-mail kirwin@shermancsd.org for further details.
By Order of the Board of Education
Kristin Irwin, District Clerk